The battle to protect the Bimblebox Nature Refuge

On Wednesday 20th April the hearing of our case began with a site visit to Bimblebox Nature Refuge. The court travelled here and were welcomed onto Wangan and Jagalingou Country by Uncle Adrian Burragubba and family.

From the EDO (FB blog): 

The Bimblebox Nature Refuge is an important habitat, teeming with a known 668 species of native plants and animals.

It was bought for conservation in 2000, when a group of locals decided to invest their hard-earned savings to protect the property from widespread clearing taking place across the region. The Australian Government chipped in with a grant of around $300,000 for the land purchase. That grant came with the condition that the site become a Protected Area, as categorised by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Bimblebox was to be protected in perpetuity.

Today, the nature refuge is an invaluable study in how the conservation of the natural environment can be prioritised on private grazing properties. Allowing Bimblebox to be -destroyed for a coal development would undermine the entire nature refuge program.

Since The Bimblebox Alliance first challenged the Galilee Coal Project, proponent Waratah Coal has amended its plans, and no longer intends to undertake open cut mining on Bimblebox Nature Refuge. However, the proposal to underground mine beneath Bimblebox has not changed. The integrity of the National Reserve System of Protected Areas will be in question if mining of Nature Refuges is permitted.

The court will hear evidence that Waratah’s underground mine would cause subsidence of the surface and likely impact hydrology and ecosystems. The very biodiversity values that Bimblebox has been established to protect would be in peril.

The beautiful Bimblebox Nature Refuge: What’s at stake: (see EDO blog for full gallery of pics)

Next Tuesday (April 26), the Land Court will sit in Brisbane to hear opening arguments in the case.

Youth Verdict and The Bimblebox Alliance will ask President Kingham of the Land Court of Queensland to recommend that the Mining Lease and Environmental Approval for the Galilee Coal Project be refused by the minister.

The solicitor on record for this case is Alison Rose. EDO would like to thank barristers Saul Holt QC, Emrys Nekvapil, Kasey McAuliffe-Lake and Katherine Brown for their assistance.

Land Court hearing approaches


Waratah Coal Pty Ltd versus The Bimblebox Alliance Inc., Youth Verdict Ltd and others
19 April – through May
Level 8, Magistrates Court Building, Brisbane, Qld.
The court is open to the public and anyone can attend, subject to any orders to the contrary.
The court may not be sitting every day, so check:
The Daily Law Lists:
Click on the link for Land Court of Queensland and it will open a PDF detailing any matters before the Court that day. 


Land Court case update

As of 18th March, The Bimblebox Alliance (TBA) is able to advise that the Qld Land Court hearing on our case against Waratah Coal will start on 19th April 2022. It is expected to commence with a site visit to Bimblebox Nature Refuge.
We have not been able to be sure of this previously, due to awaiting a decision on the question of jurisdiction in the Land Court.
This has arisen because, in April 2021, Waratah Coal advised that it had revised its mine plan and does not presently intend to undertake open cut mining on Bimblebox Nature Refuge.
The proposal to underground mine beneath BNR has not changed, with attendant issues of concern such as subsidence impacts on water and surface ecosystems and habitat conditions for flora and fauna.
The Land Court ruled it can and should hear the application and objections based on the revised mine plan.

Bimblebox Birds on show in Canberra!

Bimblebox 153 Birds is a unique installation of artist prints, poetry, prose and musician’s birdcall interpretations. More than 450 contributing artists, writers and musicians from around the world have been inspired by the birdlife of the threatened Bimblebox Nature Refuge. 

Located in central-western Queensland’s Galilee Basin, the Bimblebox Nature Refuge is a dynamic 8,000 hectares of never-been-cleared woodland that exists on the eastern edge of the Desert Uplands bioregion. Although protected in perpetuity by a Nature Refuge Agreement, it is not protected from, and is consequently threatened by, coal mining.

Bimblebox 153 Birds surrounds you with the birds of Bimblebox within a soundscape of poetry, prose and musician’s bird call interpretations. This is the story of our birds, how we experience them and sadly how we may lose them. 

 Curated by Jill Sampson
Audio compilation and mixing by Boyd

Exhibition Details:
Australian National Botanic Gardens.
23 February – 3 April, 2022
Visitors Centre Gallery
Open Daily, 9.30am – 4.30pm
Clunies Ross St, Acton, ACT, Australia 

 For more information:

photo credit: Bimblebox 153 Birds, photo Steve Mardon