Credit: Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Credit: Greenpeace Australia Pacific
The Galilee Basin
The Galilee Basin is the name of an underground geological formation containing vast thermal coal deposits in Central West Queensland. It lies to the west of the Bowen Basin where Queensland’s existing large coal mines are located (see Geoscience Australia’s map of Australian coal basins). The ‘Galilee Coal Project’ (also known as ‘China First’) is threatening Bimblebox Nature Refuge and is one of a number of ‘mega’ mines currently proposed for the Galilee Basin.
The Galilee Basin Alliance
The Galilee Basin Alliance is an informal network of landholders and community members in central west Queensland. Weekly information regarding the Galilee Basin and pertinent to the fossil fuel industry is sent out via the Galilee Basin Alliance. Please contact the administrator and ask to be added to the list.