
2023 Bimblebox Calendar


Our truly terrific 2023 Calendar features artworks made at the 2022 Art, Science and Nature Camp, and the nature that inspired them.



Your purchase of the 2023 Bimblebox Nature Refuge Calendar will help us to continue the fight to save this special place from becoming a coal mine, however long that battle takes. Now reduced to only $10 each.
It will delight you with an original artwork each month, made by the artists who enjoyed the September 2022 Art, Science and Nature camp. We are grateful to these artists for allowing us to feature their work, using a variety of media – drawing, painting in acrylic and watercolour, photography, lino cut and eco printing, or weaving. The works are accompanied by the artists’ comments and smaller associated images.
One of the participants was photographer Malcolm Paterson, who then volunteered to undertake this calendar, from concept to collection and selection of images, working with us to bring it almost to completion – we cannot thank him enough.
Graphic artist Paula Jayne of Seedhead Design Consultancy then waved her creative wand to give it the finishing professional design touches, producing this quite beautiful calendar.  Her generosity each year is greatly appreciated.

May: Hop bush woodland by Emma Scragg

February: Yellowjackets at Bimblebox Nature Refuge by Judith Sinnamon

April: Bimblebox heathland jewels by Sally North

Retail outlets where you can buy the calendars– and save postage!


• The Little Book Nook, Shop 5, 4-6 Little Main Street, Palmwoods

• Homegrown Cafe, Shop 3 4-6 4/6 Little Main St, Palmwoods

• Forest Heart Eco-Nursery, 20 Coral St, Maleny

• The Maple Street Co-op, 37 Maple Street, Maleny

• Reverse Garbage Qld Co-op Ltd, 20 Burke St, Woolloongabba (Brisbane)

• Monto Museum of Art, 15 Newton St, Monto



• Beechworth Books, 1/73 Ford Street, Beechworth