Keeping the pressure on in support of Bimblebox

Submissions on the China First Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement closed at 5pm on the 6th May.

But we can keep the pressure up on our elected representatives to make sure they know that the Australian public does not want to sacrifice protected areas for more coal mines!


Summer Updates

for coal face

Here at Bimblebox we are getting on with the busy day to day tasks involved with caring for the nature refuge. It is a world away from the air-conditioned offices in Brisbane where we suppose Waratah Coal is preparing its Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). We are expecting this document will be made available for public comment, and we will put out notices when that happens. In recent months we have had several Waratah Coal contractors enter Bimblebox for various bits of survey work  – by law, we are not able to prevent them from coming onto the property. We continue to be committed to stopping the proposed ‘China First’ mine, and to ensure Bimblebox remains a sanctuary for the district’s wildlife and for future generations.

If you would like to receive email updates about Bimblebox news, please drop us an email so we can put you on our mailing list (see contact page for details).

State inquiry into land tenure

We recently gave evidence to the Queensland Inquiry into the Future and Continued Relevance of Government Land Tenure. The main points from that submission are in an article we wrote for latest newsletter of The Australia Institute.


Media coverage

The latest media coverage for Bimblebox was regarding a petition for no mining on Bimblebox Nature Refuge and Steve Irwin Reserve initiated by Paul Dawkins from Nambour on the Sunshine Coast. Just over 10 days ago we had a ministerial answer to the 950 signature strong petition. It is clear that the current Queensland Government is continuing on a path of business as usual, which is likely to result in continued degradation of our unique biodiversity and global atmosphere.

Other Galilee projects

An article appeared in The Conversation on the 28th November which gave an over-view of plans and projections for the Galilee Basin – it is worth reading to get a big picture over-view.

Of significant concern, a number of Galilee Basin and associated port projects have been progressing through the Queensland Government’s approvals pipeline. Adani’s Carmichael EIS is open for comments until 11th February 2013. It would be one of the largest proposed mines in the Galilee Basin, and is projected to produce 60 million tonnes per year for 90 years. Also, recently public comments were due for: GVK/Hancock Kevin’s Corner Supplementary EIS (we put in this submission);  the draft EIS Terms of Reference for the China Stone mine (planned to be twice as big as Australia’s biggest current coal mine); the EIS for the South Galilee coal mine proposal; Cumulative Impact Assessment of Abbot Point; and the Queensland Government’s Port Strategy”.

Woodford Folk Festival and Bimblebox (The Movie)

We are very pleased to announce that ‘Bimblebox’ will be screening at the opening night of the Woodford Folk Festival (27th Dec, 9pm). Ellie and Paola will be there so if you are at the festival and you would like to meet them, they will be at the Lock the Gate stall, near the Greenhouse, between 3:30pm and 5:30pm every day. The documentary has been very well received and since its début in March at the Byron Bay International Film Festival, it has been screened in Vic, NSW, ACT and QLD hundreds of times. Next year it will be screening in Tasmania and we are now looking for venues and takers to screen it in Western Australia and Northern Territory.



Federal Environment Minister paves way for destruction

Australian Painted Snipe

Australian Painted Snipe

Last week Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke gave his approval for a new coal terminal at Abbot Point.

It is the final green light required for the GVK-Hancock Alpha coal project to go ahead.

The expansion of coal export facilities at Abbot Point will seriously impact the internationally significant Calley Valley wetlands, habitat for numerous shorebirds including the threatened Australian Painted Snipe. The port development will also affect sea life dependent on seagrass in the area, such as dugongs and turtles. Continue reading