1 thought on “EDO Court case update blog

  1. clive palmer is only interested in clive palmer , he talks about being australian but he doesnt mean it, and he proves it by the way he treats us all, his only want is what can i get and thats mainly money, its not what can i want for the country or the people he doesnt realy care about its beauty or big brown lands at all and he will twist his words every way he can to prove the oposite and when he does you can usually see just how falce he is, for instance the wharf he owns at western australia for shipping iron ore . he wants to sell to china for 38 million. wa government says no to him so he decides to sue them for 38 mill and that is their whole spenditure for the year he says he doesnt want to sue them but he has an obligation to law to do so ,any body can see through that comment .i just hope the land court can see through his agenda it all about him turning a dollar nothing about australia or being an honest australian he knows how to twist the law ,words and anything else that will get him what he wants ,and all for what really

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